More Discussions for this daf
1. Extra benches 2. Sarah was Blessed with Children on Rosh Hashanah 3. Waiting for Shmuel ha'Katan
4. Havinenu when there are additions 5. Havdalah in Shmoneh Esrei 6. Short Tefilos
7. Comments from readers on "Raban Gamliel's last stand" 8. kohen 9. Tefillat HaDerech
10. Different versions of the Shemonah Esreh 11. Havineinu 12. R. Kornfeld//Different Versions of the Shemonah Esreh
13. Yochanan Kohen Gadol

david leitner asks:

Dear Reb Mordechai,

Good Voch, Yes I had the same question about Rabbi Gamliel asking Rebbi Yehoushoa to stand. But there appears to be a difference in the learning types. If you went to a Shiur, were Rabbi Gamliel gave a shiur then the other pupils would be seated, as we find in Avos 1.4, (which was well before the times of Rabbi Gamliel.) However a private person learning by himself would normally stand as Kovod for the Torah. That was the practice until after Rabbi Gamliel died as the gemora says in Sotoh.

David Leitner, Manchester England

Rabbi Yehudah Landy comments:

Dear Rabbi Kornfeld

(a) Firstly i wish to point out that one Girsah in Sotah is that after
the death of Raban Gamliel HAZAKEN bitel kevod Hatorah.

(b) A person who had semicha was permitted to sit down either way. (I
forgot where i saw this). The Gemorah (I think Moed Katan 16b) says that
Dovid's Rebbe Eroh Hayoeree, would teach the talmidim while he was
seated on cushions. after his pettirah the people asked Dovid to also
sit on cushins, however he insisted on sitting on the floor.

Yehuda Landy

Aaron Goldman of N.Y. comments:

Dear Rabbi Kornfeld Amu"sh

Doesn't the Mishnah say " m'she_MAIS raban Gamliel - When Raban gamliel was deposed he didn't die - as a matter of fact the Gemora makes

a point of saying that after he was deposed - He remained in the Bais hamedrash - and in fact records the dispute concerning the "gair". Besides the Gemora says that there is a dispute as to how many bentches were added 400 or 700 - not both . I once heard ( I don't know if it was a joke) that it mentions the bentches and not the students because these new students were not necessarily "tocho k' baro" so before they became great they were , so to speak, "bentches". I also heard once that the emphasis on the bentches were that up until this time since people were Tocho k'baro - there was no interest in what you were sitting on - now that the lower calibre students ewre admitted - this focus subtly changed. Thank you for you interesting posts Good Shabbos Aaron Goldman
Danny & Chava Wulwick comments:

Maybe Raban Gamliel said Amod al Raglecha to teach the Nasih not to slouch or lean on his Shtender while learning?

Danny Wulwick


Frank Breslau writes:

Dear Rabbi Kornfeld shlitah:

With respect to your answer "that Rebbi Yehoshua would have been otherwise seated", perhaps another answer can be given.

Lfi aniyas dati, I would say there are two types of standing; one erect and still (like the position that we assume during shmoneh esra) and another more casual standing (like during chazoras hashatz, laining, etc.) during which we may lean on something.

When Raban Gamliel told Rebbi Yehoshua to "stand on his feet", he was stating that he had to stand in a very formal position (like a military "at attention") which is much more exhausting than being able to stand and move around as we do during our "casual standing".

Yeshar Koach for the wonderful job you do in being marbitz Torah l'Yisroel. I enjoy your comments/notes very much.



Frank Breslau