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4. Making the Chavitin

Meir Eliezer Bergman asked:

Regarding the Gemoro on 28b at the end of the perek. The Gemoro assumed that that "Laasos Chavitim" of the Mishna means they were Maktir the Chavittim, and is surprised because nothing can be offered on the Mizbeach before the Tomid. The Gemoro answers that they merely heated water.

Why did the Gemoro not answer that they made the Chavitim but did not offer them until later?

Meir Eliezer Bergman

Manchester UK

The Kollel replies:

Shalom Rav.

Initially, my reaction was that perhaps the Minchas Chavitin had to be prepared immediately prior to being brought on the Mizbe'ach, because it was Kavod for the Korban to be brought fresh.

But that cannot be correct, since although the entire Minchas Chavitin was prepared in the morning, half of it was brought only in the afternoon.

Therefore I would suggest as follows. The Gemara thought at first that the Osei Chavitin prepared the Minchah in order to bring on the Mizbe'ach immediately. This is what is implied by the term 'La'asos Chavitin'. The Gemara however concludes that 'La'asos Chavitin' refers not to bringing the Chavitin, but to preparing it - starting with heating the water and incorporating the other preparations, as you suggest. As far as bringing it on the Mizbe'ach - that was done later, after offering the Korban Tamid of the morning.

be'Virchas Kol Tuv,

Eliezer Chrysler