OK I expect this is a sheila everyone asks on this daf but we are learning from Artscroll gemoras and it doesn't address our question at all. Abaye says that a single girl can refuse to wet nurse using the excuse that it would jepodise her chances of a shiduch. But a single girl is incapable of wet nursing! She needs to have had a baby herself! We dismissed the suggestion that she might have had a baby before kedushin as this fact alone would jepodise her chances of a shiduch. The only explanation we could think of was that she was resently widowed just after giving birth? Is this suggestion brought down somewhere?
yeshar koach
Mordechai Bendon, Mitzpe Nevo, Israel
This question was asked previously on our forum. The question and its answer are shown below.
Kollel Iyun Hadaf
How does the gmara have a hava aminah that a single girl can nurse to begin with that it gave her an excuse to get out of it (that she should be desired by her husband), how can a single girl nurse?
Yehoshua Yankelewitz, NY , USA
"Penuyah" means "unmarried," and not "never married."
D. Zupnik