Good Evening
On the first omud in Brochos the Gemoroh is looking for Pesukim from which we know that there is a chiyuv to say Krias Shema and why we start talking about Krias Shema of night first.
The first Posuk that is brought is a proof for both points whereas the second posuk only proves that the night should be mentioned before the krias shema of the day.
So what has the Gemoroh achieved by bringing the second Posuk which is still reliant on the first posuk from which we derive the chiyuv of krias shema in the first place?
I look forward to receiving an answer to this question.
Many thanks
Daniel Klein
Dear Daniel,
First of all, from Rashi and Rabeinu Chananel it doesn't seem to be promlematic that the second question has 2 answers (even though there's only one answer to the first question)
Tosfos Rabeinu Peretz DH v'Ebayis explain that the 2nd answer helps to explain the word b'Arvin in the Mishna similar to the word of vaYehi Erev but according to the first Pasuk the Mishna should use a word similar to b'Shochbecha.
All the best,
Reuven Weiner