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1. Ma'aser on Temed 2. Dependent on the times 3. Outside of a Clay Pot
4. Clay vs. Metal Pots

Barry Robinson asked:

Kvod HaRosh Kollel Rav Kornfeld, shlit"a

At the top of Chulin 25b, the Gemara distinguishes between unfinished wooden utensils (which are MeKabel Tumah) and unfinished metal utensils which are not MeKabel Tumah) - Rav Yochanan says that metal utensils are made for Kavod and Rav Nachman says that metal utensils are more expensive.

The Gemara adds that they would disagree regarding bone utensils.

The question that was bothering our Daf Yomi shiur is that it seems that these Halachos are dependent on the times. What would happen to the Halacha if, for example, wooden utensils became more expensive or more Kovedik than metal utensils? Would the Halachos regarding the Tumah of unfinished vessels change accordingly?

Thank you for your tremendous work on behalf of Klal Yisroel. We eagerly await your response.

Barry Robinson

Daf Yomi Shiur

Cong. Or Torah

Skokie, Illinois, USA

The Kollel replies:

See Aruch ha'Shulchan, Taharos 191:5, who deals with this issue. He learns from the Mishnah in Kelim (12) that a Kli Etz that is expensive will need Gemar Melachah as well, according to Rav Nachman. However, most Mefarshim say that the Halachah follows Rebbi Yochanan; see Kesef Mishneh, Hilchos Kelim 5:1. See also Sidrei Taharos, Kelim 12:8.

D. Zupnik