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1. Kohen wearing eyeglasses 2. The Levi washing hands of the Kohen 3. A left-handed Kohen
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Shmuel K. asked:

The Gemarah brings a Baraisa that a Cohen who does Kabollah with his left hand is Pasul. The Gemarah more clearly in Bechorot 45B states that a Left handed Cohen ( a Lefty ) is Pasul for Avodah. The question is why Lefty Cohanim are allowed to Duchin ? since this represents Avodah, they should be Pasul ? Are we to answer , as per O.C. 128:38 MB 139 , that since there is only an Isur, we are more Mekul for Duchining ?

The Kollel replies:

With regard to performing the Avodah, left-handed is considered a Mum. A Ba'al Mum, though, is permitted to perform Birkas Kohanim.

D. Zupnik