Could you comment on "kicha" re: Lulov vs. Shechita knife. Do they both have to be removed from the ground?
Aurel Littmann
I am not sure what you mean. The Gemara says that a Shechitah knife cannot be attached to a living being or to the ground, according to Rebbi. Regarding a Lulav, obviously one cannot be Yotzei while it is attached to the ground. It isn't a Lulav until it is removed from the tree. How did you picture a person picking it up while attached to the tree?
Thank you for the source page you sent. It seems that the source that maintains one may indeed be Yotzei with a Lulav Mechubar l'Karka is the Tzelach, Shabbos 131a, who seems to contradict Rashi (Sukah 43a DH l'Machshirei) and suggest that one may be Yotzei by holding a Lulav that is Mechubar. (He says this as part of a Pilpul toanswer a certain question that he asks.) It seems to be a solitary opinion among the Acharonim (although the Araba'as ha'Minim ha'Shalem also cites a Pri Megadim who remains in doubt about the issue).
Shabbat Shalom,
Mordecai Kornfeld