r' yochanan said there are only 2 instances for being able t get malkus for being mevatel the aseh of a lav ha'nitik la'aseh. One was sheluach ha'kayn and 1 other. R' Elazar proposes that the other is the o'nes sh'girash.Instead of explaining that we're dealing with a case where he made a neder al da'as rabim, there's a far simpler solution.He married anohter woman so that he is now prohibited from remarrying the woman he violated and thereby he was me'vatel the aseh!
allen schuldenfrei, baltimore, maryland USA
According to the Din of the Torah and the Gemara, a man is allowed to marry more than one wife (as we find with the Avos). It is only because of the Cherem of Rabeinu Gershom, issued over 1000 years ago, that a man cannot marry more than one wife. Therefore, even if the "Ones" would marry another woman, he still would be permitted to remarry the woman he violated.
Kol Tuv,
Dovid Bloom