The GM' here explicitly states that R' Yochanon holds like R' Yehuda w/ regard to muksah. But on 45B, the GM' went through a lengthy sugyah concluding that he holds like R' Shimon?
Any insight is extremely appreciated. Thank you.
judah abraham, ramat beit shemesh, Israel
I'm not sure which Gemara you are referring to. At the foot of the Amud, the Gemara says 've'Af R. Yochanan Amar Halachah ke'R. Shimon', so why do you say that he holds like R. Yehudah?
be'Virchas Kol Tuv
Eliezer Chrysler
I think you meant to ask the opposite question. The Gemara here concludes that R' Yochanan holds like Rebbi Shimon, while the Gemara earlier (45b-46a) concludes that Rebbi Yochanan holds like Rebbi Yehuda. This question is the subject of Tosfos (45b, DH "Ain Lanu"), and Tosfos discusses it at length. Regarding the specific Gemara's mentioned in your question, Tosfos answers that Rebbi Yochanan partially holds of both opinions. In our Gemara (156b) he holds like Rebbi Shimon because there was no Dechiya b'Yadayim from the Neveilah, as opposed to the Sugya earlier (45b) where there is Dechiya b'Yadayim. In a case where there is Dechiya b'Yadayim, he holds like Rebbi Yehuda.
Kol Tuv,
Yaakov Montrose