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1. Terumah 2. Mechamer 3. Rambam on Mechamer

chaim hopkovitz asked:

dear kollel,

i've been learning some sugyas in gemara shabbos with a friend of mine, and we've come upon the sugya of mechamer (shabbos 153b). I got stuck on the tosfos there on 154a, "beLav" and I was hoping that you could possibly give me some background and outline the major questions and answers that he brings up. we are moving along so i was hoping you can do this as soon as possible so that i can catch up.

thank you

chaim hopkovitz, new york

The Kollel replies:


1) Transgressing Mechamer should deserve Malkos from the Pasuk "Lo Saseh Kol Melachah." We have a precedent in Bava Kama (74b), namely "Lo Saneh," that a Pasuk can be used for both Misa and Malkos).

2) Let there never be a concept of Lav she'Nitan l'Azharas Misas Beis Din based on the Gemara in Bava Kama (ibid.).

Answer: "Lo Saneh" is different, as it is clearly marked for Malkos as well.

The main focus of Tosfos continues to be the further analysis of "Lo Saneh."

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose