Good morning.
R' Chisda said : if one squeezes spinach and put the juice in a mikveh, if it changes the appearance (shinei mar'eh) of the water the mikveh is pasul.
I learned in mishnah, Mikva'os 7:3, "hedi'ach bo salei zeisim v'salei anavim, V'shinu es maarov, kosher." I didn't learn it b'diyuk, it was purim, please explain the difference.
Y'yasher shkoach, Chaim Weiser, Teaneck, usa
The Tiferes Yisrael explains that the dirt from the contents of the basket (in contrast to a liquid, such as wine) is a Davar she'Ein Bo Mamash (it is not a real substance) and therefore it does not invalidate the Mikvah, despite the fact that it changes its appearance.
B'Virchas Kol Tuv,
Eliezer Chrysler