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1. Rashi on Daf 2. Pigul of Parim ha'Nisrafim

Lazer Pollak asked:

The first Rashi on Daf 14: Divrei Hamaschil Mefaglei,Rashi says basar (meat) it should be shirayim (remnants). Out of all the Magiyim no one corrects the Rashi.

If you have an answer please E-mail to

Thank You

Lazer Pollak

The Kollel replies:

Shalom and thanks for your question.

It seems that this Rashi is explaining the word "Mefageli" on the previous page, 11 lines from the bottom. In this case it is indeed referring to the meat. Please note that Rashi's explanation for Amud Aleph continues onto the first two lines of Amud Beis.

Yehuda Landy