More Discussions for this daf
1. Zero'a Lechayayim v'ha'Keivah 2. Matnos Kehunah b'Zman ha'Zeh 3. Giving the Zero'a etc to a Kohen nowadays in Eretz Yisrael

Sam Kosofsky asked:


Do we do anything about matnot kehuna such as zeroa, lechayayaim and keva or maaser rishon for Leviim nowadays? If not is there any cheshash of geneiva, stealing what should belong to the kohain or levi? Is it related to a safek of who is really a kohen or levi and no real chazaka on that? If there is no chazaka why do the kohanim say a beracha on duchening and pidyon haben?

Sam Kosofsky

The Kollel replies:

See our Insights to Chulin 130:1-2, and see Insights (coming soon) to Chulin 134, where we touch on the issue.

Y. Shaw
