More Discussions for this daf
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4. The eating of chicken and milk? 5. Lo Sevashel Gedi ba'Chalev Imo 6. Basar b'Chalav
7. Rav Nachman

Daniel Gray asks:

Why on 99b did R Nachman use kichli to provide taste of milk and meat cooked together, why not use milk of slaughtered animal that Shmuel taught 113b is ok since excluded from the prohibition?

Daniel Gray, Toronto Canada

The Kollel replies:

In fact it was on 109b that Rav Nachman gave Kichli to his wife, Yalta.

Rashi writes (109b, DH Amar Rav) that the reason why Kechal is forbidden only mid'Rabanan, even if the milk has been squeezed out of the udder, is that the Gemara (111a) states that the milk of a slaughtered animal is forbidden only mid'Rabanan. When Shmuel said on 113b that the milk of a slaughtered animal is excluded from the prohibition, he meant the Torah prohibition, but it is forbidden mid'Rabanan.

So when Rav Nachman used Kichli to provide the taste of meat and milk, he was indeed using Shmuel's Heter, and if the milk remains inside the udder and has not left it, it is permitted l'Chatchilah, even mid'Rabanan.

Dovid Bloom