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1. Kivrei Akum 2. The Re'em and the Teivah 3. Midrash Avkir
4. Parah Adumah Chutz mi'Gitah 5. דקדוק בלשון התוספות

hg schild asked:

What is Midrash Avkir? Who wrote it? and when was it published?i.e. I see it quoted here and there but can one get a copy of the sefer?

hg schild, ny

The Kollel replies:

I have looked and asked around, and have been told that it is not extant. I'm sure you are already aware that it is not in Otzar ha'Midrashim. I think that it is mainly quoted by the Yalkut Shimoni.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose