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1. Rebbi 2. "One of my bulls"

Mark Bergman asked:

The Gemoro (108b) says that if one specified "Echod MeShvari" ("one of my oxen") and he had 3, we are choshesh that he meant the middle one (as well as the best one). What if he had 5 - are we choshesh for all but the worst?

Kol Tuv

Mark Bergman

Manchester UK

The Kollel replies:

The Aruch ha'Shulchan (94:25) asks the question and says that surely we will not say that he must bring all. He writes that in a case of three, the middle one has a special Chashivus since it is durectly above the bottom, whereas each middle one of many is not unique, since there are other middle ones.

D. Zupnik