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4. The Extra Height of the Kanim 5. Siluko k'Siduro

Akiva asks:


96b - R' Yehoshua ben Levi says Siluko k'Siduro was a miracle, lm"d the breads remained warm (as opposed to soft like in Tosafos Chagiga 26) why do we need the gemara's explanation on 96b that the kanim are required so that the breads don't become mouldy? Surely hot bread can't become mouldy, and also Siluko k'Siduro mashma in all respects, it would be strange to say that the miracle was only that the bread didn't get stale, but didn't protect it from mould.

Thank you,


Akiva, England

The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav

Did you forget about the principle 'Ein Somchin al ha'Nes'? Miracles notwithstanding, the Kohanim had to do whatever was necessary to ensure that the loaves did not become mouldy. What Hash-m did was his business.

Be'Virchas Kol Tuv,

Eliezer Chrysler