I was wondering if there was any other ma'amar regarding the kesuvah bein zachar l'zachar. Is there any pur'anus (misfortune/calamity) associated with such a thing becoming accepted in society? Please let me know. Thanks!
Yehuda Salamon, Bronx, NY, USA
The only other similarity I could find was in the Pesikta Zutrasa (6:2) regarding the generation of the flood. It states regarding the Pasuk "va'Yikchu Lahem Nashim mi'Kol Asher Bacharu" -- "and they took for themselves wives from all that they chose" (Bereishis 6:2) that "from all" includes that they would choose men or animals as wives as well. This seems to imply that this was openly accepted, and was clearly one of the main reasons that the flood happened (see Bereishis 6:12 with Rashi).
All the best,
Yaakov Montrose