The Gemoro on 87b discusses the gap between the Mizbe'ach and its ramp. Tosfos brings an opinion that the gap had to be more than 1 Amah wide so that the ground could be seen (and the Sovev was 1 Amah wide).
With reference to a similar discussion earlier on 62b, wouldn't a gap of over 1 Amah mean that the length of the Mizbe'ach + ramp is over 65 Amahs, not 64 as calculated there?
Kesiva VaChasima Tova
Mark Bergman
Manchester UK
The length calculated was not the actual length of the ramp, but rather the distance from the place where the ramp started to where the Mizbe'ach ended. Thus, this opinion -- that there was a larger gap between the ramp and the Mizbe'ach -- will just have a fractionally shorter ramp.
D. Zupnik