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1. Causing Terumah to have Kedushah of Shevi'is 2. Safek Metzora 3. The Doubtful Metzora's Korban and Shemen

Rafi asks:

Dear Kollel,

In yesterday's daf, 76, the gemara discussed mixing sheviis produce with trumah (oil). The gemara said you cannot do this because by doing so, you are minimizing the eating time of the Trumah, because one is obligated to do biur on the sheviis produce.

The question is, according to the opinion that biur of sheviis produce means hefker and not burning (I think that is the accepted opinion - afaik), one is not minimizing the eating time by mixing the two. after biur it can be reclaimed and eaten? Why does the gemara assume you are minimizing the eating time?



The Kollel replies:

Peros Shevi'is are given L'Achlah, and the Halachah is to eat them before the Z'man Bi'ur. Once the Z'man Bi'ur comes, the owner of the fruits may no longer eat them. Making them Hefker is only in order not to trangress the Isur of having them in your possession at the time of the Z'man Bi'ur.

Although it is true that there is a way of avoiding the Isur (and not limiting the eating time) -- i.e. by making the fruit Hefker -- nevertheless, since it is possible that the owner will not be Mafkir the fruit and the Isur to eat the fruit will take full effect, it is prohibited to cause Terumah to have Kedushas Shevi'is.

D. Zupnik