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1. Chatzitzah 2. Dam Nidah

Mark Bergman asks:

The Gemoro on Niddah 66b brings several cases where a woman found a chatzitza after Tevilah, and had to toivel again (e.g. bone between teeth, etc)

According to the Gemoro on 67b, a chatzitza that is only a mi'ut is only a problem if the person is makpid on it. Therefore, do we have to say that the former cases were only a problem because there was a hakpodo?

Kol Tuv

Mark Bergman

Manchester UK

The Kollel replies:

You are correct that the former cases (and cases of Chatzitzah besides Rubo she'Aino Makpid) are a problem because of Hakpadah.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose