1) the gm (i believe) gives simonim for what is a kosher egg i.e. not round,yoke in the middle,eliptical but one end more pointy. if these are good simonim why do we need a mesorah for birds - just check out the eggs-if the eggs are kosher, then, the bird is ipso-facto kosher?
2) if we use the mesorah of other groups to determine the kashrus of birds i.e. turkey - why do we not use the mesorah of the Temanim/Moroccans for the kashrus of grass-hopers?
thank you for your thoughtful/insightful replies. if you *do* chose to answer - please send copy to my e-mail address. thank you.
aurel littmann, brooklyn, ny
Aurel, thank you for your kind comments.
1. The Gemara itself here (64a) asks your question when it quotes Rebbi Zeira's statement that Simanim are not d'Oraisa. The Gemara cites support from the fact that Rav Asi said that there are eight kinds of birds about which we are in doubt whether or not they are Kosher. If the signs concerning the eggs are reliable mid'Oraisa, then why do we not simply check their eggs? The Gemara concludes from this that the Simanim concerning the eggs are not a Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai and cannot be relied upon (Rashi DH Hachi).
2. The Mishnah in Chulin (59a) states in the name of Rebbi Yosi that apart from the requirement that they possess the Simanim, grasshoppers also must possess the name "Chagav." The Shulchan Aruch (YD 85:1) rules in accordance with Rebbi Yosi. Rashi on the Chumash (Vayikra 11:21) writes that we do not know how to differentiate between what is called a "Chagav" and what is not. For this reason, the Bach (YD 85) writes that the custom in our countries is not to eat grasshoppers, since we are not expert in their names, and one may eat them only if he has a Mesorah. This is also the way the Shach (YD 85:1) rules.
Kol Tuv,
Dovid Bloom