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Barry Epstein asked:

I can't find the cite where it speaks of the Men of the Great Assembly abolishing avodah zarah and prophecy going away at the same time. I need the cite for my dinner tonight. Any idea what page? I thought early a.z. or eruvin but I can't find it.

Barry Epstein, Dallas, TX

The Kollel replies:

We're sorry, Barry, that we were not able to respond to your question by last night.

There is no Gemara that says that the two things (abolishment of Yetzer ha'Ra for Avodah Zarah and the disappearance of prophecy) happened at the same time. There are two separate Gemaras, one in Sanhedrin 64a (regarding Avodah Zarah), and one in Bava Basra 12b (regarding prophecy), and there are some commentators that do connect the two (see Michtav me'Eliyahu vol. 3, p. 277, who quotes Rebbi Tzadok ha'Kohen).

Y. Shaw