למה כאן גוזרין משום שמא ילמד ממעשיו ומה ההבדל בין גזרה זו לקרוב דעת שנמצא גבי בשול עכו"ם. ועוד ממילא שהוא חשוד לשפיחות דמים זה לא סותר השמא ילמד.
Haqatan Aharon Braha HY"V, Milan, Italy
According to Rebbi Meir, the Gezeirah of 'Shema Yilmad mi'Ma'asav' applies here because the Chachamim want the Yisrael to move away from the vicinity of the Nochri. Kiruv Da'as does not apply, since the two do not eat together.
On the other hand 'Shema Yilmad mi'Ma'asav' does not apply to Bishul Akum, since they are not living together (like they are here), and it is only the one time that the Yisrael wants to eat from the Nochri's cooked food.
R. Eliezer ben Ya'akov, who argues with Rebbi Meir (and who is not worried about 'Shema Yilmad mi'Ma'asav'), gives the reason for the Gezeirah as 'Chashud li'Shefichas Damim', which is why he confines it to where there are two Yisre'elim, as the Gemara explains later. (Rebbi Meir it seems, is not worried about Shefichas Damim).
be'Virchas Kol Tuv
Eliezer Chrysler.