The question really is does the Kollel agree with the following.
I once heard a Vort at a Siyum that the reason why Rav Poppa was Zoicheh to have 10 sons the ones that are enumerated at a Siyum in the Hadran is because 10 times in Shas Rav Poppa tried to make a Peshoroh and try to fit in both Shittos in a Machloikes and you find this specifically in Berochos 59 Omud Aleph with the Brochoh on a Keshes and then again on the Omud Beys (I wonder if you have ever heard that Vort I don't know who says it).Anyway I was thinking that it is Rav Poppa LeShitosoi here about the Aish Min Hashomayim on the Mizbeach "Zimnin Hochoh VeZimnin Hocho"
Boruch Kahan London, London England
1. The Gemara in Sotah 40a tells us that Rav Papa said that since there are different opinions what to say in "Modim," we should say them all. Rebbi Akiva Eiger (in Gilyon ha'Shas there) gives there more examples of this: Shabbos 20a, Chulin 65a, and Chulin 76b. Rav Elyashiv zt'l, in his He'oros on Sotah, says that he heard from the Ga'on of Teplik, when he gave a Derashah at a Siyum Masechta, that since we find 10 places where Rav Papa said "Hilkach" -- because there is a Machlokes, "therefore" we have to to do like all the Shitos, and because Rav Papa possesed this love of Torah and love of Talmidei Chachamim so that there should be no disagreement between them, with this Zechus he had the merit of having 10 great sons. This is because the Gemara in Shabbos 23b tells us that someone who appreciates the Sages will have sons who are Sages, so we mention at every Siyum the 10 sons of Rav Papa.
2) Rav Elyashiv said that the other seven places in Shas where Rav Papa said this are Berachos 59a, 59b, and 60b, Chulin 46a, Ta'anis 6b, and Megilah 21b. Rav Elyashiv also referred us to the Sefer of the Ga'on of Teplik.
3) The Gaon of Teplik moved emigrated to Eretz Yisrael and was one of the Gedolim in Yerushalayim. He was Niftar 67 years ago. His full name was Rav Shimshon Aharon Polanski. I believe that there is a Sefer "Yeshu'os Shimshon," where Divrei Torah from the Tepliker Ga'on were collected, and this vort is cited there.
4) I think that the reason why the Gemara in Zevachim 61b is not mentioned as one of the 10 is because Rav Papa is not making peace there between different opinions in Halachah.
Wishing you a Kesivah v'Chasimah Tovah,
Dovid Bloom