Hello. I don't understand why there has been debate about the correct names of birds as being permitted or forbidden since we have an explicit Mishnah in Menachos 3:6 in the Yerushalmi that provides signs (regardless of names). Either the particular bird in question has these simanim or it doesn't. On the other hand, what is the significance of particular names in the Torah when over the centuries there have been different interpretations of what birds the names correspond to? Thanks.
David Goldman, USA
David, I do not understand what you mean by "an explicit Mishnah in Menachos 3:6 in the Yerushalmi." There is no Yerushalmi on Menachos! (The "Talmud Yerushalmi" on Kodshim which was "discovered" in 1905, was proved, in 1913, to be a forgery.)
Kol Tuv,
Dovid Bloom
Sorry, I was referring to the list of features of kosher birds in CHULIN 3:6 of the Yerushalmi.
In addition be R. Yitzchak in the Bavli Chullin 62 stating that kosher birds may be eaten with a mesora.
In the genuine editions of the Talmud Yerushalmi there is no Tractate Chulin because Chulin is part of the order of Kodashim and the only edition of the Yerushalmi on any tractate of Kodashim is the forgery of 1907. In the fake edition there was a tractate Chulin.
Dovid Bloom