More Discussions for this daf
1. Dreams 2. One Who Sees Huna in a Dream... 3. The color of Techeles
4. The color of Techeles 5. Kol Ishah 6. Colors in dreams
7. Colors in dreams 8. Nevuchadnetzar or Nevuchadretzar 9. List of 60ths.
10. Dream Interpretation

Yehoash Orange asked:

IN Brochos 57b, the Gemara lists five items which are 60ths- fire, honey, shabbos, sleep, and dreams. On daf 40a, the Gemara says that Katsach (black seed) is 1/60th of poison. Why wasn't this included in the list above?

Yehoash Orange, Brooklyn NY

The Kollel replies:

Dear Yehoash,

The Gemara in Berachos 40a reads: Ketzach is one of the 60 types of poison (not 1/60 as in Berachos 57)

All the best.

Reuven Weiner