You wrote in your E - Mail-
"TOSFOS in Sukah (31b, DH ha'Yarok) cites Rashi's opinion at Techeles is green, and mentions that support can be drawn to it from the Yerushalmi which says that the color of Techeles resembles that of grass . Our Gemara also seems to be a strong support for Rashi's opinion, because if Techeles is not green, then why is it a bad sign?
Most Rishonim, however, (Tosfos included) reject Rashi's opinion and explain that Techeles is blue . They will have to give another explanation for why seeing Techeles in a dream is a bad sign."
No problem. As an Emergency Medical Technician with Hatzolah Volunteer Ambulance Corp. I can tell you that when a person is not well, let's say for example in the case of Chas Veshalom, a heart attack, the person will present as having chest pain and trouble breathing. This 'trouble breathing' is caused by the fact that the heart isn't pumping enough oxygen rich blood to the body. The lack of proper oxygen will make the patient appear cyanotic - a bluish color. Usually when someone is near death - for any number of given reasons - he will appear to be a lighter bluish color than usual. Ironically, the shade of this bluish color is very similar to the new Techeles some Bochurim, (especially disciples of Rabbi Herschel Schachter and Rabbi M. Tendler of Yeshiva University,) are wearing today. The theory is, that when you are in a near death experience, your body is purifying yourself to be able to enter Gan Eden in a purer state, so your body becomes wrapped in a "Natural Talis Of Techeles" so to speak. And that is the Bluish color of cyanosis before death. So to understand the Gemora according to Tosafos is not a problem at all. When seeing a dream with Techeles - blue, it is a bad sign, simply because the person is cyanotic - or very sick - or even near death.
Now Rashi interprets Techeles to be green based on his Mesorah from The Yerushalmi, that Techeles is green like 'grass'. Rashi is forced to think, (once he holds that Techeles is green, then why is green bad? So it must be that green is bad because...) green is the sign 'rotting' and so when you see green in a dream, it must mean that there is a sick person. Which is O.K. But learning that Techeles is blue, fits much better in Medical terms for a person being very sick that he is near death - and he is cyanotic (Bluish.)
Yasher Kochachah in being Marbetz Torah throughout the world. Keep it up!
Kol Tov.
Yaakov Radin
Thank you for sharing with us your insightful comments, Jay!
Kollel Iyun Hadaf
I was taught by my rebbe that T'cheles is turquis-- a bluish green. This harmonises both Tos. & Rashi.