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1. They do not need "Tzafon" 2. Shalmei Tzibur - Hekesh From Chatos 3. Zero'a Besheilah of the Ayil

Shmuel Tannenbaum asked:

The gemoro asks if we have a hekesh to Oilo what are we going to do with the hekesh to chatos, so the gemoro answers that we need it to teach us that the bosor is eaten only by the male kohanim. My question is: why do we need another limud for that, we have just learned from oilo that shalmei tzibur have a din of kodesh kodoshim. Doesn't that in itself tell us that only male cohanim can eat it? or would we need a ma matzinu for that, that we never find kodshei kodoshim eaten by anybody other then zecharim? Thanks in advance Shmuel

Shmuel Tannenbaum, Lakewood NJ

The Kollel replies:

Rav Leib Mallen zt'l (volume 2, #78) asks this question. He proves from this question that when the Gemara calls Shalmei Tzibur "Kodshei Kodashim," it means, as Rashi says (55a, DH Kodshei Kodashim) that Shalmei Tzibur are not actually Kodshei Kodashim, but rather they have certain Dinim of Kodshei Kodashim, such as becoming Nifsal b'Tevul Yom and b'Yotzei. We find also that the Gemara needs a separate verse to teach their Shechitah is done b'Tzafon.

D. Zupnik