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Yitzchak Silverman asked:

There are 2 halochos on amud "B"

1) Hatavos Hacholom and

2) to say the amira for a questionable dream while the cohanim are duchaning.

Yet neither halochah is brought down by the Rambam. According to the 'Tosefes Brachah' by the Bal 'Torah Tememah' it seems the Rambam Kavyochol '"forgot" to bring it down. (whereas in hil. Taanis and Talmud Torah He does bring things nogeah to dreams).

Are you aware or do you have a different pshat in the Rambam?

Yitzchak Silverman, Boro Park USA

The Kollel replies:

I asked Rav Moshe Sternbuch your question. He was uncomfortable with the idea that the Rambam simply forgot these two things. Instead he opined that the Rambam omits from the Yad "Devarim Seguli'im" - helpful spiritual remedies. I found support for this statement in what the Rambam DOES bring in connection with dreams.

The only thing that the Rambam brings in connection with having a bad dream is the obligation to fast (Hilchos Ta'anis 1:12). The Gemara (Ta'anis 12b) says that a Ta'anis Chalom is effective in nullifying the dream. The Rambam, however, does not say that explicitly. Instead he says that the fast - like all other fasts - is an opportunity to examine one's deeds and do Teshuvah. The Ta'anis is not simply a ritual one goes through to avoid the things he saw in the dream. It is not a Segulah. Rather it is a part of the Teshuvah process required by the advent of the dream. Whereas we could say that Hatavas Chalom and the Tefilah during Birkas Kohanim both fall more into the category of Devarim Seguli'im.

Kol Tuv,

Yonasan Sigler