More Discussions for this daf
1. Three things need special "Rachamim" 2. 7 days without a dream 3. Above the Mazel?
4. Obtaining consent from the masses for the appointment of leaders 5. dreams 6. Hashmatos ha'Rambam
7. 22 years? 8. Barchu or Nevarech 9. dreams

Yitzchak Kasdan asked:

The gemara in Berachos 55a, in the name of R'Yitzchak based on Sh'mos 35, 30 regarding Bezalel, learns that one does not appoint a leader over the community unless one consults the community. Yet, we know that G-d chose Joshua, Shaul and then Dovid without "consulting" with the populace, and kingship is inherited (as is other forms of serrarah); so too, G-d chose Moshe to begin with and therefater Aharon in terms of the kehunah. Moreover, Moshe chose the 70 zekainim, and Sanhedrin thereafter essentially perpetuated itself -- all again without "consultation." What is R'Yitzchak's explanation (recognizing that others do not learn the word "reuh" in the pasuk as he would)? Additionally, what was the specific nature of Bezalel's leadership that required "consultation"? Finally, can it really be said that there was "consultaion" -- after all would Moshe argue wuth G-d's selection of Bezalel or would the people argue with Moshe?

Yitzchak Kasdan, Silver Spring MD

The Kollel replies:

I think that the key here was that Betzalel was given rights over their money. As for the consent, we see that when consent is needed for reasons of propriety, it must be asked for even if it is surely forthcoming, or if it is not critical, such as the consent that Hash-m asked for creating man, and the consent that Avraham asked for the Milah from his Ba'alei Bris.

D. Zupnik