More Discussions for this daf
1. Intentionally not reciting Birkat ha'Mazon where one eats 2. Two questions 3. Havdalah and Women
4. Mekor in Rashi 5. Berachos 053: Amen 6. Machlokes Tana'im
7. Customs for concluding the meal 8. Mayim Acharonim 9. Transferring a Flame on Shabbos
10. Answering Amen to a child's blessing 11. Making blessing on flame of gentiles 12. Gezundheit
13. Scents of AZ, Alef & Ayin, the Havdalah flame 14. "They" give him reward 15. The color of a flame
16. Rabba bar bar Chana forgetting to say Birkas Hamazon

Jeff Ram asked:

In answer 14a, you say that one does not say 'Amen' to the Berachah recited by a child when he is only learning or practicing.

What about 'chinuch' and teaching the child about 'Amen' after berachos. Isn't this the reason we are permitted to say 'Amen' to a child's beracha in the first place?

The Kollel replies:

Yes, we are permitted to say Amen to a child's blessing when he is reciting a real blessing (such as right before he eats an apple). If he is only learning the blessing, though (for example, he is sitting with his father or rebbi who is teaching him to say "Baruch" and then "Atah" and then "Hash-m" and so on), one certainly does not answer Amen after his blessing, because it really was not a blessing, but said in practice -- the same way we do not say Amen to an adult's blessing said while practicing.

All the best,

Y. Shaw