More Discussions for this daf
1. Intentionally not reciting Birkat ha'Mazon where one eats 2. Two questions 3. Havdalah and Women
4. Mekor in Rashi 5. Berachos 053: Amen 6. Machlokes Tana'im
7. Customs for concluding the meal 8. Mayim Acharonim 9. Transferring a Flame on Shabbos
10. Answering Amen to a child's blessing 11. Making blessing on flame of gentiles 12. Gezundheit
13. Scents of AZ, Alef & Ayin, the Havdalah flame 14. "They" give him reward 15. The color of a flame
16. Rabba bar bar Chana forgetting to say Birkas Hamazon

Aaron Massry asks:

Why does one need to cover mayim acharonim water if ruach Ra'ah only applies when it's poured on the ground?

Aaron Massry, Brooklyn

The Kollel replies:

The Mishnah Berurah in fact does not mention that one should cover the Mayim Acharonim.

However, the Sha'arei Teshuvah (OC 4:8) cites the Birkei Yosef who says that "the custom of zealous people" is not to learn Torah or recite a Berachah next to water which has been used for Netilas Yadayim when awakening in the morning.

The Rivevos Efraim (1:12), by Rav Efraim Greenblatt zt'l, writes that it may be that the custom to remove the Mayim Acharonim before Birkas ha'Mazon is similar to the Minhag to keep 4 Amos away from the morning water. One should be Machmir in this matter, but it is not actually forbidden according to the Halachah.

Hatzlachah Rabah,

Dovid Bloom