More Discussions for this daf
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4. Mekor in Rashi 5. Berachos 053: Amen 6. Machlokes Tana'im
7. Customs for concluding the meal 8. Mayim Acharonim 9. Transferring a Flame on Shabbos
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13. Scents of AZ, Alef & Ayin, the Havdalah flame 14. "They" give him reward 15. The color of a flame
16. Rabba bar bar Chana forgetting to say Birkas Hamazon

Gershon Dubin asked:

First, why does Rashi say that hotzo'as hameis at night is Motzei Shabbos? Why not any other night?

Second, I believe the first chart on your Hebrew chart for 53 is wrong-the second line should read "Nochri shehidlik"

Have a Chag Kasher Vesameach and, as always, a great Yasher Koach for your wonderful work.

Gershon Dubin, Brooklyn NY

The Kollel replies:

Seeing as the Gemara is giving us a case where one does not recite the B'rachah over Ner, it can only be speaking about Motza'ei Shabbos, since one does not recite it on any other night.

Your second observation is correct. It should indeed read 'Nochri she'Hidlik'.

We apologize for the error.

R. Eliezer Chrysler