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1. Tumat Avodah Zarah 2. Bitul Avodah Zarah 3. Beis Chonyo

michaeljrubin asks:

What is the lamdus (or based on a pasuk)? of bittul of avodah zarah. on one hand it seems that any goy can be mevatel the avodah zara of any other goy even against his will (so we see that it is not tied into undermining the original intent) on the other hand a yid cannot be mevatel l'olam. Is it just a matter of making any "change". what if it was a jewish cheresh shoteh v'kotton (without Jewish "daas"). would this be the equivalent of it becoming destroyed on its own?

Thank you for clarifiying.

Best Regards,

Michael Jacob Rubin

Brooklyn, New York

The Kollel replies:

1) The Gemara 52a learns from a pasuk that an Akum can disqualify his idol. The Masoret Hashas, in the margin, cites the Tosefta, chapter 6:2, that the idol of an Akum is only forbidden if it is actually being used as an idol. Concerning the idol of the Akum, one looks at the up-to-date reality. It is only considered as a pesel if it actually functioning as such, so it does not make a difference who annuls it.

2) In contrast, concerning the idol that belonged to the Yisrael, we have a pasuk that one must put it away in a hidden place. Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv zt'l, says in his Notes to Masechet Sotah 5a (page 27) that according to Tosfos Yevamos 104a, this means it must be buried. It must be put out of sight. It would not help if a Jewish cheresh, shoteh v'katan would mevatel it, because one could still see the avoda zara.


Dovid Bloom