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1. Binyan Av 2. Binyan Av versus Hekesh 3. Davar ha'Lamed be'Binyan Av

Yehonoson Sklar asks:

>>Quiz: Zevachim 51-55

3. Something learned with a Binyan Av can be used for a Binyan Av. (Questions 3-4 are b'Kodshim only. Everywhere else we always Lamed)

a) True.

b) False.

c) Ibaya d'Lo Ifshita.

d) Machlokes A&B.

e) Machlokes A&C.<<

The answer given is- a) True


1. (d)

2. (a)

3. (a)

4. (c)

5. (b)<<

Yet in your own Full Review for Zevachim 51 3, clearly learn the answer is c) Ibaya d'Lo Ifshita. Quoted here-

On Full Review for ZEVACHIM 51


(a)When we ask how the Tana can possibly learn something illegal from something that is legal, besides learning Lan be'Eimurim from Lan be'Basar, we are referring to - Yotzei in the Beis-Hamikdash (which is illegal) from Yotzei by a Bamah (which was legal, since a Bamah was not enclosed to begin with).

(b)And when we answer that the Tana relies on the Pasuk in Tzav "Zos Toras ha'Olah", we mean that - in fact, Rebbi Yehudah learns all the cases from this Pasuk, and the Limudim are only Asmachtos (in support of the Pasuk) ...

(c)... thereby negating the proof, leaving us with all four She'eilos (regarding Davar ha'Lamed be'Binyan Av), unanswered.<<

Your comments please.

Yehonoson Sklar

The Kollel replies:

Simple! What we wrote in the Quiz follows Tosfos above 47b DH Mah Netinah whilst what we wrote in the Full Review follows Rashi 51a DH Zot!

1) Rashi 51a DH Zot writes that according to the conclusion of the Gemara the chief way of learning is from the verse "v'Zot Torat Ha-Olah" whilst the reason "something learned with a Binyan Av can be used for a Binyan Av" is only an Asmachta; something to "lean on".

Birkat Hazevach (cited by Metivta on the page 51a #21) DH She-Harei learns from Rashi that according to the conclusion of the Gemara the original question has not been answered because what the Tana mentioned is only an Asmachta.

2) However Tosfos 47b DH Mah Netinah writes that the conclusion of our Gemara is that one can learn a BA from a BA.


Dovid Bloom