The Gemara is asking if one has a choice to bring today's Mussaf or tomorrow's Tamid, which would come first - based on the rules of Tadir Kodem or the more holy one coming first.
I believe there is a Tosafos that discusses the Maftir to read on Chanukah - and it says that we don't follow the rule of Tadir Kodem there - because we can only do one of the two. Tadir V'Shehaino Tadir only applies when we can do both. There are different rules in place for a case like that.
If that's the case, if they can only bring two animals - today's Mussaf or tomorrow's Tamid, this should not be dependant on the rules of Tadir V'Shehaino Tadir?
Dovid Lieber, Brooklyn, NY
Rashi's (DH "Musafin") second explanation is that the Musaf is called Mekudash *because* it will be brought now, and not tomorrow (not because it is brought on Shabbos). It seems like Tosfos (DH "Tadir") endorses this explanation of Rashi over the first explanation. Therefore, even if there would be another such Tosfos, it would argue on the Tosfos on our Gemara.
All the best,
Yaakov Montrose