More Discussions for this daf
1. The guest's blessing for the host 2. A combination blessing 3. ha'Tov v'ha'Meitiv
4. "Katina" 5. Birkas Hatov v'Hameitiv 6. בעי אשתעויי מתריץ תרוצי ויתיב

Jeff Ram asked:

Our gemara (and your answer #2c) says that Rav Sheshes held that "Birchas ha'Tov ve'ha'Meitiv is d'Oraysa".

Didn't chazal formulate each beracha k'neged specific things. That is; haZan is k'neged the Mon. ha'Aretz is k'neded Yehoshua. Boneh Yerushalayim is k'neged Shlomo, and ha'Tov ve'ha'Meitiv is k'neged the events in Betar.

How could Rav Sheshes hold that the burial that took place at Betar is d'Oraysa?

The Kollel replies:

Good question. It must be that Rav Sheshes (as well as the opinion on 49a that also holds that the blessing is d'Oraisa) agrees with the opinion on 48b that there is a reference to Ha'Tov v'ha'Meitiv in the verse in the Torah. Just as with the rest of the blessings of Birkas ha'Mazon, where the concept of the blessing (that is, the need for a blessing to thank Hash-m for sustenance, for the land of Israel, and for Jerusalem) is Min ha'Torah but the text of the blessing was instituted by the Sages, so, too, the concept of a blessing for Hash-m's goodness (Ha'Tov va'ha'Meitiv) is Min ha'Torah (according to this opinion on 48b and according to Rav Sheshes), while the text was instituted by the Sages.