More Discussions for this daf
1. The guest's blessing for the host 2. A combination blessing 3. ha'Tov v'ha'Meitiv
4. "Katina" 5. Birkas Hatov v'Hameitiv 6. בעי אשתעויי מתריץ תרוצי ויתיב

Jeff Ram asked:

combinging the 2-nd & 3-rd beracha of birkat hamazon In answer #2c, you say that the "Chachamim permitted to incorporate the Beracha of Yerushalayim in that of ha'Aretz, in order to return to work as soon as possible. Yet, the gemara doesn't suggest any nusach for this combination.

Is the "combination beracha" formulated anywhere in our gemara?

The Kollel replies:

No, the formula does not appear explicitly in the Gemara. From the words of the Gemara here, though, it seems that the combination blessing was basically the same text as our blessing except that the blessing at the end of "v'Al ha'Kol" is left out, and at the end of "Rachem" the words "Al ha'Aretz v'Al ha'MAzon" are inserted in the place of "Boneh Yerushalayim." (Shulchan Aruch OC 191:1)