Did I read today's daf correctly when it quoted a braisa that said that left-handed Kohanim are posul? I am a Kohen and I am left handed. Does this mean that I will not be able to serve I"YH in the Bais Ha Mikdash when it is rebuilt bimhaira b'yamenu. Thank you for clarifying (and quoting any contradictory opinions?).
Dr. Yitzchak Metchik, Boston, MA
In "Peninei Rabeinu ha'Kehilos Yaakov" (by Rav M. M. Shulsinger, page 127), it is reported that the Steipler Ga'on zt'l was once asked about a young boy who was a Kohen and left-handed. Should they attempt to accustom him to write with his right hand so that when the Beis ha'Mikdash will be rebuilt he will able to serve there?
The Steipler Ga'on replied that in the same way that when we received the Torah at Har Sinai all those who had blemishes were healed, so, too, when Mashi'ach will come these people will also be healed and consequently this Kohen will be able to perform the Avodah in the Beis ha'Mikdash.
However, Rav Shulsinger added that in the Introduction to Sefer Shemiras ha'Lashon, the Chafetz Chaim (page 5, DH v'Zeh Yadu'a) cites the words of the Chachamim that in future times, everyone will be healed of their blemishes with the exception of those who speak Lashon ha'Ra. According to this, left-handed Kohanim will be able to officiate in the Beis ha'Mikdash only if they are careful now to protect their tongues from Lashon ha'Ra.
(The source for this statement of Chazal seems to be the Midrash Tanchuma, Parshas Vayigash #8, which states: "Everything which ha'Kadosh Baruch Hu has struck in this world, He will heal in the World to Come." The Midrash teaches that the wild animals will also be healed, with the exception of the snake. This is because the snake caused death for all mankind when it used Loshan ha'Ra to persuade Adam ha'Rishon to eat from the Etz ha'Da'as.)
Kol Tuv,
Dovid Bloom