More Discussions for this daf
1. Minchas Nisachim 2. Chilazon after the Mikdash was destroyed 3. Will the Real Techeles Stand Up?
4. The Guf Of The Chilazon (In regard to what Rabbi Kornfeld writes in the insights to the Daf) 5. Tosfos DH l'Beis Midrasho Shel R. Chiya

Pesach Feldman asks:

>>1) TOSFOS DH l'Beis Midrasho Shel R. Chiya


(SUMMARY: Tosfos rejects our text.)

' ( '' .)

(a) Objection: This is not R. Chiya [the Talmid of Rebbi], for R. Nasan, who was greater than Rebbi, like [Rebbi] said in Bava Basra (131a) "I was immature, and I was brazen with Nasan ha'Bavli", would not bring a proof from R. Chiya!<<

1. Note: I do not understand why R. Nasan would not bring a proof from an episode involving a smaller Chacham. He learns from the miracle!

The Kollel replies:

R. Nasan was greater than Rebbi and R. Chiya was a talmid of Rebbi. This means that there is too big a gap between R. Nasan and R. Chiya, for R. Nasan to cite an episode involving the latter. Apart from anything else, the time difference would be too large.


Dovid Bloom