>>1) TOSFOS DH l'Beis Midrasho Shel R. Chiya
"(SUMMARY: Tosfos rejects our text.)
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(a) Objection: This is not R. Chiya [the Talmid of Rebbi], for R. Nasan, who was greater than Rebbi, like [Rebbi] said in Bava Basra (131a) "I was immature, and I was brazen with Nasan ha'Bavli", would not bring a proof from R. Chiya!<<
1. Note: I do not understand why R. Nasan would not bring a proof from an episode involving a smaller Chacham. He learns from the miracle!
R. Nasan was greater than Rebbi and R. Chiya was a talmid of Rebbi. This means that there is too big a gap between R. Nasan and R. Chiya, for R. Nasan to cite an episode involving the latter. Apart from anything else, the time difference would be too large.
Dovid Bloom