agemara omeret "ketanae" velo "lima ketanae" ulefi amescakana eno ketana as haya trsrija lomar lima ketanae lo ketane she nire queilu shegam lefi amaskana hu ketana bese u lo as en ani motze et abiur shel se
[Translation: Why does the Gemara say "Ketana'i?" Since it later refutes the suggestion and says that the argument is not "Ketana'i," shouldn't it have said, "Leima k'Tana'i?"]
Roni Nagar, mexico city,mexico
The Dikdukei Sofrim does mention one Ksav Yad which says "Leima Ketana'i," as you suggested.
However, it is not at all necessary to change the text of our Gemara, since it is quite common for the Gemara to not say " Leima " in such circumstances (since the Amora making the suggestion is suggesting that the Machlokes of the Amora'im is indeed the same as that of the Tana'im). You will find, for instance, identical Gemaras to that in Berachos in Shabbos 145a, Eruvin 42b, Sukah 51a etc.
-Mordecai Kornfeld