More Discussions for this daf
1. Colored Tzitzis 2. Wearing Techeles 3. Tosfos DH Techeiles
4. Only Techeles Strings 5. Tzitzis On Shabbos According to the Ba'al ha'Me'or

mr. salem asked:

Tosfos brings a proof from a gemara in sukkah that by aravah means two yet we can add as many as we want,so similarly by gidul it means two but you can add what you want,but cant that be because more aravos arent considered part of the mitzvah but extra tzitzis could be kilayim?whats the proof?

mr. salem, new york,u.s.a.

The Kollel replies:

Dear Mr. Salem,

Tosfos learns that if the Torah requires only 2 Aravos and not more, then adding more is forbidden because of Ba'al Tosif. So if people do add Aravos beyond the first 2 the addition must be also the original Mitzvah of Aravos (and 2 means at least 2). So too white strings beyond the basic 2 are also a Mitzvah and if so they are not Kil'ayim.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner