Dear Sir,
Rambam wrote in Hilchot Tumaat Ochlin that "mutar leekhol chullin t`meim" Kesef Mishneh comments that this halacha is based on bHullin 33-34, and quotes "and if you say posel gufo meekhol truma (I don`t know the right phrases in English), do we feed (the kohen) with a thing which posel him?!" I don`t understand the connection between the gemara and the cited halakha. How can we conclude from this sugya, that "it is permited to eat tuma"?
Tamas Visi, Budapest
Sorry for the delay in my reply. The Rambam that you are referring to is probably Tumas Ochlin 16:8. The inference from Chulin end of 34b is made more clear by Rashi (35a, first explanation) and Tosfos (DH veha'Shlishi) there. The Gemara does not prohibit eating Chulin that are Tamei (a Shlishi). It is only prohibited to eat Terumah after eating such Chulin.
See also Tosfos Chulin 2b DH Tamei, for a dissenting opinion, and Insights to the Daf there.
Thank you for referring your question to us, we hope to continue hearing from you!