More Discussions for this daf
1. Making oneself humble 2. Question on Insights 3. Being Shali'ach Tzibur
4. The First Written Siddur 5. Speed Of Davening 6. P'shat in Reb Chaim
7. Krias Shema Shel Boker 8. A personal prayer 9. Kavanah Required For Tefilah
10. Hesitating to Daven for the Amud 11. Final 3 Berachos of the Shemoneh Esreh 12. R' Chanina ben Dosa
13. "Ahaye" 14. Three things bad in excess but fine in moderation

Rob 613 asked:

Dear Rav Kornfeld,

Could we please get some more help with two more questions?

1) Why when the gemara mentions the custom of declining the opportunity to be the shaliach tzibbur, do we also say that when called up for an aliyah of the Torah reading one should take the shortest path, and if I understand correctly, cannot decline once called by name?

How is the "aliyah" honors for other functions different -- any item that might be auctioned for Simchas Torah, such as opening up the Aron HaKodesh, or lifting up the Sefer Torah? How are these different than the aliyah of being the shaliach tzibur?

2) Why does the gemara use the example of one who eats food cooked without salt to describe someone with too little time, that he does not have to decline the first invitation to lead davening, and not mention the cases, elsewhere in Gemara, of the meat that is cooked only 1/3 of the way by Michoel ben Drasoi, a famous bandit apparently, who was always on the run, and had to eat his meat barely cooked?

Is it because the Gemara doesn't need as an extreme example, that not having time to spice food is more common than cooking food only the minimal amount?

Does any commentary on this gemara bring up this other benchmark of timing in cooking?

Chaim Chesler

The Kollel replies:

1) Being the Shaliach Tzibur is more than just an honor, it is a position of leadership. A person who is offered a position of leadership must, at least, pretend that he is not worthy of the position (see Rashi on the Mishnah of Berachos 34a and the Gemara there). An Aliyah to the Torah or any other honor in shul should be accepted immediately. If not, the person is showing disrespect for the Torah.

2) I believe that the meaning of the Mashal of the unsalted meat is that just like such meat lacks taste, so too the person that immediately accepts the position of Shaliach Tzibur is demonstrating a lack of maturity and awareness of the weightiness of the task (and a person that refuses too many times is like an oversalted piece of meat - too conservative.) For that reason Chazal didn't compare him to Ma'achal Ben Drosai.

Kol Tuv,

Yonasan Sigler

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