when and why were bnai Ruvain etc. exiled?, is that when yovel stopped min hatorah? when did shmita stop min hatorah? is it also only when kol yoshveha oleha
leible , ny ny
Dear Leible,
Hello there and thanks for your questions. The Kingdom of Yisrael was conquered by the Assyrian Empire, who exiled them to the East. This actually happened in three stages. The first two stages including the exile of Bnei Gad and Bnei Reuven occurred during the rule of Pekach ben Remalyahu, while the third stage and termination of Malchus Yisrael occurred during the reign of his successor Hoshea ben Ailah. In Sefer Melachim II 17:7-23 there is a lengthy description of the transgressions which were the cause of this exile. Bnei Gad and Bnei Reuven were the first to be exiled. The Midrash in Parshas Matos attributes this to the fact that they chose to remain in Trans-Jordan instead of joining the other tribes in Eretz Yisrael. This was triggered by financial concerns (grazing land for their cattle) which outweighed spiritual concerns of entering Eretz Yisrael.
This is when Yovel stopped, but according to Erchin 12b, Yirmiyahu brought back at least some of the lost tribes and the counting of Yovel began again.
The status of Yovel during the Second Beis ha'Mikdash is a complex issue. See Erchin 32b and Tosfos "Manu", and Tosfos Gitin 36a "b'Zman".
The issue of Shemitah during an era when there is no Yovel is also a very complex one. See Gitin 36a. Indeed the opinion that the observance of Shemitah nowadays is mid'Rabanan is based on the theory you mentioned.
All the best.
Y. Landy