According to the Shita Mekubetzet which brings Rav Eliezer De Gremiza one must move the word ahead to the next column. According to this Shita our Maggid Sheur explained that the Aleph Bet Resh of Avraham would remain on the bottom of the previous column and that the next (Daf) Column would restart with Avraham Aleph-Bet-Resh-He-Mem - since Rav Eliezer didn't specicifically mention erasing the three letters he wrote. I argued that the Kavanna of Rav Leizer of Gremiza is like the Tur explains that he doesn't write the first three letters at all but leaves the space blank and then moves to the next column - otherwise there would be 3 extra meaningless letters in the Text of the Sefer Torah. Who is right ?
yaakov rosenes, Jerusalem Israel
Who am I to be Machri'a between you and your Maggid Shiur. However, the Lashon of the Shitah Mekubetzes certainly reads like the Maggid Shiur's interpretation, as does the Piskei Tosfos who brings this Halachah. On the other hand, the logic is as you say, and personally I would follow the Sevara that it is highly unlikely that one actually leaves three extra letters in the Sefer Torah. The Mordechai brings the same Halachah in the name of the SEMAK and merely writes that two
letters which form a word cannot be written in the margin.
D. Zupnik
Regards from Rabbi Kornfeld.