More Discussions for this daf
1. Birkas v'Lamalshinim 2. Yehudah Ger Amoni 3. R. Gamliel and R. Elazar ben Azaryah
4. Bribes (Shochad) 5. Know before Whom you stand 6. Sancheriv
7. Shmuel ha'Katan 8. Raban Gamliel being reinstated as Nasi 9. May the Living Lie about the Dead?
10. The Right to Depose Raban Gamliel 11. Tocho K'Boro 12. "Nikra Poshe'a"
13. Chizkiyahu 14. Tocho K'Boro 15. Musaf after Seven Hours
16. Rebbi Shimon bar Yochai 17. Shimon bar Yochai 18. Rebbi Elazar ben Azaryah taking over the Nesi'us from Raban Gamliel
19. Praying for a friend in order to be answered first 20. Shmuel ha'Katan and Birkas ha'Minim 21. Zav
22. Which prayers require standing 23. R. Gamliel and R. Elazar ben Azaryah

Morrie Kleinbart asked:

Once R. Yehoshua forgave R. Gamliel, the question turned to R. Gamliel's restoration as nasi. The Gemara says that there was concern about deposing R. Elazar and restoring R. Gamliel because "ma'alin ba'kodesh, v'ein moridin." Was this not of equal concern when R. Gamliel was deposed in the first place?

Morrie Kleinbart, New York, NY USA

The Kollel replies:

Since the Bnei HaYeshiva felt that R. Gamliel was not fit, there is no problem of Maalin BaKodesh.

By the way, R. Gamliel was not replaced as Nasi only as Rosh Yeshiva.

Dov Zupnik

Flax asked:

R. Gamliel asked him, "Forgive me on account of my father!" Who was R. Gamlel's father and what merit did he have?

Flax, South Africa

The Kollel replies:

Raban Gamliel's father was Raban Shimon ben Gamliel (Shabbos 15a) who was Nassi at the time of the Churban and killed by the Romans (Sanhedrin 11a). Although Raban Gamliel was younger than Rebbi Yehoshua, Raban Shimon ben Gamliel was older and certainly was respected by Rebbi Yehoshua and his entire generation.

By the way, the honor of my "father" may be referring to his great-grandfather Hillel (see Shabbos, ibid.) who was known for his outstanding patience and humility (Shabbos 31a), traits that Rebbi Yehoshua thought were lacking in Raban Gamliel.

Best wishes,

Mordecai Kornfeld

Kollel Iyun Hadaf