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Shabtai Nacson asked:

1) Does Cherem (ban) apply to a goy?

2) How was Sarah Emenu permitted to breast feed goyish babies?

3) What is the Din of a Yid who had Brith from a goy? The effect is done, how can he rectify it!

Shabtai Nacson, Toronto, Canada

The Kollel replies:

1) By definition, a Cherem was used to distance someone from the Jewish community. This would be a reason why it generally would not apply to Nochrim. There are times when a cherem can be placed on association with a certain Nochri for the good of the community and the like. However, this is more of a cherem against association than a Cherem on that particular person.

2) The Mordechai and Agudah state that if a Jewish woman would want to nurse a Nochri baby because she was in pain, she would be able to do so. It is possible that the same logic would apply to Sara Imeinu, as she was being made fun of that the baby was not hers. To relieve her pain she nursed the babies given to her, showing she indeed was the mother of Yitzchak.

3) There is an argument between the Shulchan Aruch and Rema (Y.D. 264:1). The Shulchan Aruch says that if it was already done there is no need to do anything further, and the Rema states that the baby needs Hatafas Dam Bris.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose