On Chulin 25b, Rashi explains that according to the Chachamim, "temed" that has no more liquid than the amount of water that was initially added is considered water, not wine, despite the fact that it tastes like wine. Do the Chachamim disagree to the concept of "Ta'am K'ikur" that we find throughout Shas or is the situation with "temed" different from the typical "Ta'am K'ikur"?
Aharon Levine, Baltimore, Maryland USA
The Bartenura on the Mishnah in Ma'asros writes that it is not "Ta'am Gamur," but rather only "Kiyuha" (a minor taste). However, the Ramban in Bava Basra writes that Shemarim are not considered Tevel, and, therefore, only if it becomes wine is there a Chiyuv of Ma'aser when there is actual volume.
D. Zupnik
Tosfos (DH "ha'Metamed") asks your question, and answers that the taste of the Temed is not really one of wine, but rather it is "Kiyuha b'Alma." It seems that Tosfos means (as the wine tasters would probably remark) that the taste of wine is hinted at, but not yet developed.
All the best,
Yaakov Montrose